Dark Mode: Fixed a rare bug on macOS which caused a hang when restarting after switching between themes.Back Translate: Fixed a crash when performing this operation on protein lists using "Selected Region".Moved "-include-id" command into advanced help instead of basic help.Fixed irrelevant error messages being occasionally printed.Fixed a bug where CLI was crashing on some headless Linux environments.
Added -multi-file/-m advanced flag to export multiple result documents as individual files.Fixed a bug in Custom BLAST where databases with spaces in the name could not get the full sequence.
Geneious 11 update#
Automatic Update: Fixed a bug where automatic update dialogs were incorrectly presented to the user. Annotate by Blast: Fixed an occasional crash when running operation on multiple sequences at once. De novo assembly: Improved performance on Geneious de novo assembly, especially on high coverage data sets. Dark Mode: Many small adjustments have been made to improve the user experience. Minor Features and Usability Improvements: Primer Import: Updated to import sequences from excel files. Parts Cloning: Added functionality to support parts cloning, for generating combinations of sequences from existing parts. Batch Golden Gate: Golden Gate cloning now understands List documents if they contain sequences that are in the same direction.